We hold the most important international certificates for the sector
Certificate ISO 9001
Registration number: EC-7387/12
In 21st December 2012, Applus granted Intertransit the ISO 9001 certificate for our main installations at Montornés del Vallés, thus accrediting the company’s activities as a logistics operator and carrier.
Certificate IATA
Registration number: 78-4 7604
Intertransit is an agent of IATA (International Air Transport Association), duly registered as an air transport operator.
Our main installations are also authorised as a DDA (a customs warehouse where duty and/or import VAT payments are delayed until the goods enter another customs procedure). This facility helps to optimise our clients’ foreign trading operations at both the fiscal and the financial level.
A member of ATEIA and FETEIA-OLT
Registration numbers
Visa (Transport document)
Authorised as transport operator (TO)
No. 06429310-2
Health registration
Registered with the State Health Service at Montornés
Registered with the State Health Service at Alcalá de Henares
Registered with the State Health Service at Lliçà
Registered with the General Food and Foodstuffs Health Service (Registro Sanitario de Empresas Alimentarias y Alimentos, or RGSEAA)
No. 40.19631/B
Intertransit is registered with the Food Safety General Registry (Registro General Sanitario de Alimentos) as a company authorised for warehousing for the food sector.
Registered with SANDACH
Listed on the SANDACH register for the animal foods sector and the area of animal by-products and derived products not for human consumption.
No. ESP08602408.
Customs authorisations
ADT (Temporary Deposit Warehouse) / LAME (Premises Authorised for Export Goods)
DA (Customs Warehouse): Type A
No. ESXA08001095
DDA (Customs warehouse in which VAT payments are delayed): Type A