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COVID19, prevention measures update

Dear agents and Collaborators,

Due to the current situation with COVID19, and in order to prevent the maximum expansion in our region
Intertransit has decided to take the following preventive measures following the recommendations of the official
state agencies:

1. Drivers who arrive at Intertransit to deliver/Collect goods must wear masks and gloves to
access our warehouse, at least when handling documentation that will be delivered in our
2. Pallets must have documents attached in the documentations bags in order to avoid moving
them around our offices, so the only document that the driver should give us is CMR. It is very
important to raise awareness of your customers (we will do it too from our side) so we can
minimize the risk of all our employees, not only drivers.

Hoping you agree with our prevention measures, please we appreciate if you communicate this decision to your
drivers and customers as soon as possible.

Best Regards,

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Coronavirus, prevention measures

Dear Partners

For your safety and regarding the Coronavirus COVID19 emergency, we inform you about the situation and prevention measures adopted by our company.


Following the official recommendations and indications, INTERTRANSIT applies this prevention, safety, and hygiene-related measures:

  • Instructions for frequent and effective hand washing.
  • Distribution of disinfectant liquids dispensers, in all our offices and warehouses departments.
  • Availability of masks for use, if necessary.


INTERTRANSIT is aware of all official indications and news and we will apply immediately any other procedure required or recommended by the health authorities

For further information you can contact us, by mail or phones +34 93 268 88 62, Barcelona, +34 918771777 Madrid & +34 902 288 862 Valencia.

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New requirements for the import or entry of wooden packaging in the Canary Islands

Dear customers and collaborators,

We would like to inform you about  the new regulations approved and published in the BOE  the last October where the new requirements for the import or entry of wooden packaging in the Canary Islands are established. In the attachment you will find the published order as well as its entry into force, at the beginning of April 2019 with mandatory character: REQUISITOS FITOSANITARIOS EMBALAJE Y ESTIBAS DE MADERA EN CANARIAS

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32º Aniversario de INTERTRANSIT S.A. Más de tres décadas de transporte internacional.

 El 15 de septiembre de 1983 se fundaba en Barcelona INTERTRANSIT S.A.
Aunque hayan pasado unas semanas desde el verdadero aniversario, en estos días es cuando la empresa realiza los actos y eventos de conmemoración, ya que son unas fechas ideales entre la vuelta de vacaciones y el resto de festividades más cercanas a la navidad.
  32 años dedicados a la logística, transporte internacional y distribución de mercancías en los que no se ha parado de crecer sin perder el carácter familiar y cercano que es valor de marca de la empresa y todos sus profesionales.
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